Seed Testing
At this time OCIA is no longer accepting seed samples for testing. Certification samples must be submitted to the designated seed testing laboratory in OCIA official bags. Contact OCIA at 405-744-7108 to obtain those bags. Non-certified samples should be sent to a commercial laboratory of your choice. You may call OCIA office for lab information.
Request Seed Testing Services
Form C "Request for Testing and Certificate of Inspection" must be submitted to the OCIA Office. The grower must order OCIA samples bags, at no cost, from the association for submitting seed samples to the designated seed laboratory for testing. Certification can not be completed until Form C has been submitted to OCIA and the official sample has passed testing.
To complete certification a 2 lb. representative sample is needed for wheat and other small grains. One lb treated and 1 1/2 lb. untreated is needed for peanuts.
This test shows the percentage of pure seed, inert matter, other crop seed, and weed seed.
This test shows the percentage of normal seeds, dormant seeds and dead seeds.
TZ testing is not a substitute for a germination test.
Laboratory Fees :
- $20.00 for each purity and $20.00 for each germination for cotton, cowpeas, guar, mungbeans, okra, peanut, small grains, sorghum, soybean, vetch, alfalfa and millet. Complete test (purity and germination) when requested together $33.00.
- $29.00 for each purity and $26.00 for each germination for bermudagrass, crabgrass, and lovegrass.
- $20.00 per hour for each purity for bluestem and similar rangegrass crops.
- Fees for mixtures (each component over 5% of sample by seed number) will be charged for each crop or variety in the mixture.
- Fees for trashy samples will be double for germination and $20.00 per hour for purity analysis.
- Seed Count $11.00
- Non-certified samples should be sent to a commercial laboratory of your choice.
Tag Fees :
$0.09 per tag for sew on, $0.10 for pressure sensitive. Tags must be ordered in multiples of 10.