Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association
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Newer Wheat Varieties Updated Comparison Chart Jan 22, 2021
Important Change to the Wheat Standards
At the recent OCIA Annual Meeting, the membership voted to make a change in the Wheat standards that will
no longer allow triticale in the field. Revised standards will be emailed at a later date.
!!!!!------ IMPORTANT UPDATE ------!!!!!
At the April 26, 2019 OCIA board meeting the directors gave the office personnel explicit instructions to no longer accept ANY late applications under any circumstances. Any applications for any crops will be routinely DENIED if received after the cut-off date.
Furthermore, any required documentation for which a deadline has been established will be strictly enforced with penalties assessed without exception.
This policy went into effect immediately and will remain in effect until further notice.
Changes made to standards at 2017 annual meeting.
Establishment of a minimum test weight of 56 pounds per bushel for the Certified class of wheat seed. There will still be no minimum test weight for the Foundation or Registered classes. Any sample of wheat submitted for laboratory analysis and found to contain rye and/or triticale in any amount will be rejected for certification and no re-cleaning and re-testing will be permitted.
8/11/17 IMPORTANT UPDATE: There seems to be a little confusion on adding test weight to the certification labels. This is NOT a state
law and therefore does not have to be listed on the tag. It is a new requirement effective this year that was submitted to the OCIA Board
by the Small Grains Committee at the annual meeting in February that the CERTIFIED CLASS OF WHEAT SEED must meet the
56 lb/bu test weight. Again, this is NOT mandatory that you list test weight on the tag but can if you so desire. If you have any questions, contact the OCIA office.
Important Dates
2024 Important Dates
March 1 - Deadline for Small Grains Applications
March 1 - Turfgrass Applications Due
April 15 - Approved Conditioners/Bulk Retail Facility Applications Due
May 27 - OCIA office closed
June 15 - Peanut Applications Due
July 4 - OCIA office closed
August 1 - Deadline for Peanut Applications
August 1 - Application for Cowpeas, Mungbeans, Soybeans, and Warm Season Grasses Due
Sept 1 - Vegetatively Propagated Grasses Due
Sept 2 - OCIA office closed
Nov 28-29- OCIA office closed
Dec. 31 - Small Grains Applications Due
A reminder about saving Clearfield variety seed, including Doublestop CL Plus: Seed produced from plantings of Certified class (“blue tag”) seed of Clearfield varieties cannot be saved for replanting, even on your own farm. Whether or not you spray Beyond herbicide has no effect on this requirement, as the Clearfield gene in these varieties is protected by a utility patent. This is a BASF requirement and is different than other non-Clearfield varieties covered by the PVPA. The BASF stewardship guidelines can be found at:
BASF AgCelerate Program
In order to create an account with BASF AgCelerate Program you must first obtain an invite code or call 1-866-784-4630. If you already have an invite code, click here for AgCelerate.
Since 2017 OCIA has been using the MyFields online program applying for field certification. To start, you MUST create an account and only ONE account. You will receive an email notification when we have accepted your account and then you will be able to start entering your field certification applications. Please do not try to enter any information until you receive the email of approval. To assist you in making application(s) for certification we offer the following information:
- OCIA planting record: It is strongly advised that you use this form to gather your information as it will ease the completion of your application in the MyFields program.
- You may also download the "How To" booklet for your use. It provides step by step instructions to enter the necessary information.
- You may watch videos on creating your field applications through the MyFields Program.