Oklahoma Proven!

Oklahoma Proven is a plant evaluation and marketing program designed to help consumers select the best plants for Oklahoma gardens. The goal has been to select plants that are tolerant of
the varied and difficult environmental conditions found throughout Oklahoma. Consequently, using well-adapted plants should lead to greater gardening success and more environmentally-friendly gardens. Although the plants presented here are among
the best for use in Oklahoma, this is just a place to start. There are many plants suited for use in Oklahoma and it is always imperative to match the environmental tolerance of the plant with the environmental conditions in a particular garden or even a particular spot within that garden. Oklahoma Proven plants have been selected to withstand environmental stress but remember that all plants need special attention during
the establishment phase or during periods of environmental extremes.
Oklahoma Proven Plant Selections for Oklahoma 1999 – 2021: Is a full color publication containing all plants selected since the beginning of the program to present. A PDF version can be found here.