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DASNR livestock programs provide agricultural producers and related agribusinesses with the latest research-based information and best management practices, for the purpose of solving issues and concerns relative to animal well-being, economic sustainability and environmental stewardship.

LivestockDASNR livestock programs provide agricultural producers and related agribusinesses with the latest research-based information and best management practices, for the purpose of solving issues and concerns relative to animal well-being, economic sustainability and environmental stewardship. Livestock production is valued at $5.1 billion to the state economy, according to National Agricultural Statistics Service data.

DASNR livestock initiatives


  • DASNR developed a technique to improve the appearance and value of dark-cutting beef, which costs the U.S. beef industry approximately $165 to $170 million each year.
  • Graduates of the OSU Master Cattleman Program estimate improvement in their cattle operation’s profitability at approximately $3,500 annually.
  • Since 1998, DASNR has trained 2,700 poultry operators in processes relevant to maintaining water quality, proper manure handling techniques, nutrient management, record keeping, and laws and rules relevant to poultry waste management in Oklahoma.
  • DASNR’s annual Oklahoma Meat Goat Bootcamp has allowed producers from more than two dozen states to increase knowledge by nearly 40 percent, and attendees indicated the education received has an average perceived value of $312,868 per bootcamp.

We Are: Wildfire Recovery

We Are: Master Cattlemen

We Are: County Offices

We Are: Master Cattleman Training