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Food Safety

The Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is keenly aware of the importance of food safety. Programming is available in all 77 counties through the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service that enhances food safety skills and knowledge to residents in the state and beyond.

Food Safety

The Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is keenly aware of the importance of food safety. Programming is available in all 77 counties through the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service that enhances food safety skills and knowledge to residents in the state and beyond. In addition, the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources offers an academic option in the field of food safety.

DASNR food safety initiatives


  • OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources offers a new food safety degree option for food science majors in the department of animal science.
  • In 2015, the Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center at OSU assisted 50 food businesses in with technical, business, regulatory and food safety programs.
  • FAPC held 130 food industry employee training sessions in 2015 and interacted with 415 individuals during these sessions.
  • Family and Consumer Sciences educators in all 77 counties conduct training workshops in science-based methods of home food preservation and storage that result in safe, quality products.

We Are: Food Safety Training

We Are: Combatting Listeria