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The study of food science includes all types of food, such as dairy products, fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry, and further processed foods you find in grocery stores and restaurants. Majoring in food science at OSU prepares you to optimize the safety and quality of food from production to plate.

graduateJob Opportunities
A career in food science will present you opportunities across the country. Food science graduates are expected to be in high demand within the next five years and, as a food science graduate from OSU, you will have a competitive advantage. Through OSU’s food science program you will regularly network with industry professionals and have industry certifications when you graduate.

Feed the World
We all eat and every individual deserves access to healthy, safe, and affordable food. Learn from award-winning faculty about how studying food science at OSU can help you make a difference in your community and world by having a direct influence on the food we eat.


Hands-On Learning
The food science program at OSU combines other subjects including biology, chemistry, nutrition and engineering. As an OSU food science student you will have the unique opportunity to access the Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center where you will gain hands-on experience in your interest area.