 Centennial Quilt
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 Centennial Quilt
Centennial Quilt
The official centennial quilt is displayed near Old Central, an historic building on the OSU campus in Stillwater.
The quilt on the OSU campus in Stillwater.
Quilt Back
In addition to the intricate stitching visible around each block, the back of the centennial quilt documents the occasion, history and purpose of the commemorative project. Along with an acknowledgment of the quilter, Charlotte Tucker, and a patch with Extension’s logo, the names and tenures of every Extension state director also are monogrammed on the back of the quilt.
Quilt back past directors
A list of the names and tenures of every state Extension director in Oklahoma is monogrammed on the back of the centennial quilt.
Quilt Back
This patch on the back of the centennial quilt acknowledges the occasion and purpose of the project along with Extension’s logo and acknowledgement of the quilter, Charlotte Tucker of Fairview, Oklahoma.
Charlotte Tucker, who was chosen as the quilter for the centennial quilt project, uses a freehand long-arm sewing machine.
A former 4-Her who enjoyed completing sewing projects, Charlotte Tucker is a professional quilter whose family also farms about 800 acres in Major County.
The centennial quilt shines in the daylight in front of the historic building, Old Central, on the OSU campus in Stillwater.
The quilt on the OSU campus in Stillwater.
Members of Oklahoma Home and Community Education take time during their state meeting in July to view quilt block challenge entries.
Members of Oklahoma Home and Community Education take time during their state meeting in July to view quilt block challenge entries.
Quilt block challenge entries on display.
The centennial quilt is made up of 42 colorful blocks crafted by seamstresses from Oklahoma and Texas.
The quilt in front of historic Old Central on the OSU campus in Stillwater.
The quilt in front of historic Old Central on the OSU campus in Stillwater.
As part of its debut in the fall of 2014, the quilt appeared in the Oklahoma State University Homecoming Sea of Orange Parade with James Trapp, associate director of Extension.
The quilt in front of historic Old Central on the OSU campus in Stillwater.
At dusk, the centennial quilt is pictured in front of historic Old Central on the OSU campus in Stillwater.