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Social media to the rescue
Jul 15, 2016
A new way of detecting potential sources of foodborne illness resulting from restaurant-type sources is being utilized more frequently. Customers are now responding to good or bad experiences by using websites and blogs and posting on social media sites.
Trendy Foods
Jun 27, 2016
The food industry in the U.S. develops thousands of new products every year to meet consumer demands and trends
Reducing food waste
Jun 23, 2016
Kortoumou Sidibé, an Oklahoma State University student, was named the winner of the Nescafé Get Started Project funded by Nestlé, which inspires young African entrepreneurs to create ideas to help society.
OSU faculty members complete volunteer assignments in Nicaragua
Jun 10, 2016
Tim Bowser and Barbara Brown, OSU faculty members, completed volunteer assignments through Partners of the Americas and the United States Agency for International Development-supported Farmer-to-Farmer program.
Meal kit delivery continues to be a growing trend
Jun 09, 2016
Forget writing a list and going to the grocery store to purchase food for meals. Now, ingredients can be purchased and delivered to the front door with the simple click of a button, thanks to a growing food trend – meal kit delivery.
Grocery guru appointed to FAPC advisory board
May 19, 2016
Appointed by the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, Philip Payment, vice president of merchandising and marketing for Homeland Acquisition Corporation Inc. in Oklahoma City, joins the 16-member FAPC Industry Advisory Committee to help oversee the center’s mission and vision.

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