- Long speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
- A food broker was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
- Orza speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
- A food business owner was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
- Johnson speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
- A food service distributor was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
- Harsha speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
- An advertising and promotions specialist was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
- Earhart speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
- An executive of a major fast food chain was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
- Cockerham speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
- A representative from the Associated Wholesale Grocers was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
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