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2013 Research Symposium
The FAPC and the Institute of Food Technologists-Oklahoma section are pleased to hold its annual Research Symposium during OSU Research Week.
Dr. Janet Collins Video Presentation
Dr. Janet Collins, president-elect for the Institute of Food Technologists and senior manager in Corporate Regulatory Affairs for DuPont, speaks to an audience of more than 100 students, research enthusiasts and industry representatives during Oklahoma State University's Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center Research Symposium.
Abstract Rules and Sample
The document outlines the rules for submitting an abstract for the FAPC Research Symposium.
Janet Collins Presentation
Learn more about the information that keynote speaker Janet Collins presented during the FAPC Research Symposium.
L. Al-Obaidi Video Presentation.
L. Al-Obaidi Video Presentation
S. Al Sharqi Video Presentation
P. Chompoorat Video Presentation
Dr. Roger Clemens Video Presentation
D. Gautam Video Presentation
K.D. Ramachandriya Video Presentation
Dr. A. Elizabeth Sloan Video Presentation
K. Willard Video Presentation
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