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Food & Beverage Product Development Competition

The FAPC Food & Beverage Product Innovation Competition provides a venue for college students to share with the Food Industry creative and innovative ideas for new food and beverage products.

November 8, 2018
***Mark your calendars for  for the second annual Food & Beverage Product Development Competition! Details TBA.***

September 12, 2017
3:30-6 p.m.
201 FAPC

Cost: FREE

3:30 p.m.
Mingle and Sample New Products
4:30 p.m. Student Presentations of New Products
6:00 p.m. Awards/Adjourn

FAPC is holding its first ever Food & Beverage Product Development Competition! The event provides a venue for college students to share with the food industry creative and innovative ideas for new food and beverage products.

Students from Oklahoma State University, University of Central Oklahoma and Langston University will provide demonstrations, presentations and sampling of their food innovations.

Don't miss this opportunity to interact with future food industry leaders and learn about their innovative creations!
Want to be a sponsor? Contact Chuck Willoughby by emailing or calling 405-744-6071 for more information.

Platinum $1,000
Gold $500
Silver $250
Bronze $100
Ingredient Supporter $50

Student Application Process

Student Applications Due by April 28.
Complete Entry Form.

The FAPC Food & Beverage Product Innovation Competition provides a venue for college students to share with the Food Industry creative and innovative ideas for new food and beverage products. Applicants selected to compete are to adhere to the following:

Award Amounts

Representatives from the food & beverage industry will serve as judges. The awards will be presented at the conclusion of the event.

1st Place = $500
2nd Place = $250
3rd Place = $100

Entry Fee

Selected applicants will need to submit a $25 deposit to reserve a spot in the competition, which will be refunded after the event. The fee will be forfeited by applicants who fail to show and complete the event. Cash or check is accepted. If paying by check, please make payable to OSU Foundation.


Competitors/Competing Teams must be currently enrolled students either graduate or undergraduate. Teams may consist of both classifications. The competition is open to students from any Oklahoma college or university.


Applications will be accepted through April 28.
Complete Entry Form.
Competitor selections will be made by May 19.
The competition will take place September 12, 2017.


On the day of the event, each competitor/team will be provided a table to display a story board or poster and product samples for tasting. Additionally, each competitor will provide a 3 to 5 minute audio visual presentation in the Kerr Auditorium. Time for questions and answers by judges and audience participants will be provided. Each presentation should include ingredients (including allergens), nutrition information, process description, market potential and profit potential. Please see “Evaluation Criteria” for more details.

Reimbursement of Expenses

Competitors will be reimbursed up to $100 for ingredients and supplies (e.g. napkins, serving trays/cups, etc.). Original receipts must accompany the reimbursement request. Reimbursements will be paid to the competitors by October 1, 2017 and will include the refunded entry fee. Applicants who fail to show at the event will not be reimbursed.

Evaluation Criteria

Entries will be judged on both oral presentation quality and product characteristics. Each entry will be scored on a basis of 100 points total, according to the following criteria:

Oral Presentation Evaluation

  • Consumer Appeal/Market Potential       20 points
  • Clarity/Organization of Presentation      15 points
  • Product & Process Description              15 points

Product Evaluation

  • Product Appearance/Texture/Taste        20 points
  • Creativity/Uniqueness                            15 points
  • Commercial Process Description           15 points

Intellectual Property Information

It is not the desire of OSU to pursue intellectual property rights for products entered into this competition. Students from other institutions are free to pursue IP discussions at their own institution.  It should be noted that ‘recipes’ are very difficult to patent, and students are encouraged to keep thorough and meticulous notebooks containing product development details.


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