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Industry Advisory Committee

The FAPC has a 16-member advisory board made up of food and agricultural industry leaders who are appointed by the highest positions of the Oklahoma state government.

FAPC is honored to have a 16-member Industry Advisory Committee made up of food and agricultural industry leaders who are appointed by the highest positions of the Oklahoma state government. The committee offers counsel, makes decisions and takes leadership action to ensure FAPC makes sound short- and long-term plans to accomplish its mission and objectives.

The committee includes the following members:

John Patrick Lopez, Chair
Lopez Foods

Edward Clements, Vice Chair
Clements Foods Co.

Tommy Kramer, Secretary
Durant Industrial Authority

Paul Schatte, Past Interim Chair
Head Country Food Products

Scott Dvorak
Dvorak Farms

Joe Ford
Shawnee Milling Co.

John Griffin
Griffin Food Co.

Erica Hering
Ralph's Packing Co.

David Howard
Unitherm Food Systems, Inc.

Virgil Jurgensmeyer
J-M Farms

Rodger Kerr
Southwest Technology Center

Max McDermott
deVine Water

David McLaughlin
AdvancePierre Foods (Retired)

Philip Payment
HAC, Inc.

Mark Vaughan
Fresh Avenue Partners

Tom Coon, Ex-Officio
OSU DASNR Vice President for Agricultural Programs

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