FAPC receives food safety award
STILLWATER, Okla. – The Food & Agricultural Products Center on the Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater, Okla. received an outstanding service award in the area of food safety.
The Oklahoma Society of Environmental Health Professionals awarded the FAPC with the Lloyd Parham Award during the recently held 53rd Annual OSEHP Education Conference in Stillwater, Okla.
Jason Young, FAPC quality management specialist, attended the conference and accepted the award on behalf of the FAPC.
“The partnership that the FAPC has with regulatory personnel is not by accident,” Young said. “Producing safe food is the responsibility of several organizations. The FAPC teams with regulatory personnel and the food processing facilities to promote and provide food safety training, workshops and research to enhance food safety at all levels.”
According to the OSEHP outstanding service award nomination form, the Lloyd Parham Award is presented to an individual or organization for “outstanding dedication in the field of food safety, for performing a special act of providing or for promoting food safety to the consumers of the state of Oklahoma.”
Linda Jones, OSEHP president and environmental officer for the Oklahoma State
Department of Health, nominated the FAPC, and a committee consisting of past presidents and the current president selected the FAPC to receive the award.
“The Oklahoma Society of Environmental Health Professionals appreciates all the contributions that the FAPC makes to food safety and to our organization with speakers, training, etc.,” Jones said.
The Lloyd Parham Award was created three years ago, Jones said.
“The first year the award was presented to Lloyd Parham, retired chief of consumer protection, who worked many years in dairy and food safety, and was instrumental in making our organization the professional society that it is and the namesake of the award.”
Another past recipient of the award was Bill Ricks of Braum's Stores.
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Oklahoma State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Local
Governments Cooperating. The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or status as a veteran, and is an equal opportunity employer.