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Balancing the dreamable with the achievable
Sep 01, 2017
Unfortunately, no magic bullets exist when creating products. All ingredients come with pros and cons to consider. The successful entrepreneur must balance the dreamable with the achievable.
Food industry leaders reappointed to FAPC advisory board
Aug 24, 2017
Three food industry leaders have been reappointed to Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center’s Industry Advisory Committee for a 3-year term. Joe Ford, Shawnee Milling Co.; Ed Clements, Clements Foods Co.; and David Howard, Unitherm Food Systems, will continue their services to FAPC’s 16-member advisory board.
Staking your claim
Aug 16, 2017
Food entrepreneurs must answer many questions to evaluate whether to move forward with developing new food products. Some of the questions include: what are the benefits of the product, what are the good and bad characteristics about it, and why would someone want to buy the product?
FAPC offers back-to-school food safety tips
Aug 16, 2017
FAPC offers food safety tips for parents and caregivers to send their children to school with safe and satisfying lunches.
Meeting the trends of online shopping
Jul 25, 2017
With a click of a mouse you can buy anything from shoes to household goods. Now, online shopping has included convenient meals to be prepared at home as well as purchasing your entire grocery list. Today, more than ever, consumers are looking to add extra convenience to their everyday lives, while still wanting food to taste good and be healthy.
Student group awarded funding to improve research presentation skills
Jul 07, 2017
Student Professional Development Group of the Oklahoma Association for Food Protection selected for a $1,000 award for the Short Research Presentation Grants sponsored jointly by the the Oklahoma State University Graduate College and the Vice President for Research Office.

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