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William McGlynn, Ph.D.

Dr. William McGlynn is a horticultural products processing specialist at the FAPC.

Horticultural Products Processing Specialist

    Horticultural Processing

  • AREA OF EXPERTISE:William McGlynn
    Fruit and vegetable processing and thermal processing

    Studies in quality improvement in Oklahoma wines; grape processing waste; value-added peanut products; value-added produce and fruit products.

    Address: Oklahoma State University
    Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center
    112 FAPC
    Stillwater, OK 74078
    Phone: 405-744-7573
    Fax: 405-744-6313


  • Value-added blackberry products project.
  • The objectives of this study for this Ph.D. student (Ms. Youri Joh) project involves the examination of the quality and anti-oxidant properties of two fermented blackberry beverages produced from two varieties of Oklahoma-grown blackberries, with and without added commercial yeast and at two different fermentation temperatures.  The overall goal is to evaluate potential high-value uses for blackberry fruit and blackberry processing byproducts. Data collection is nearly complete on this project. The student’s expected date of graduation is summer 2014.

  • Peanut Butter Slice project.
  • This M.S. student (Ms. Adrian Nault) project involved the reformulation and improvement of product consistency and quality in an individually wrapped, sliced peanut butter product first developed at OSU in 2000. Trials involved the use of an enzyme to improve product texture; the general results of the study showed that the enzyme could be used to produce a product with good sensory evaluation scores. No major differences among the formulations tested were observed. The student successfully defended her thesis in December of 2013. The student’s date of graduation will be spring 2014.

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