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Salim Hiziroglu, Ph.D.

Dr. Salim Hiziroglu is a value-added wood products specialist at the FAPC.

Wood Products Specialist

    Value-Added Wood Products

  • AREA OF EXPERTISE:Salim Hiziroglu
    Physical and mechanical properties of wood products and value-added wood composites

    Maximizing commercial value of under-utilized wood species in Oklahoma; studies of composites made from Eastern Redcedar; understanding of ways to increase commercial value of woody-plant by-products.

    Address: Oklahoma State University
    Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center
    303-G FAPC
    Stillwater, OK 74078
    Phone: 405-744-5445
    Fax: 405-744-3530


  • Properties of sandwich-type composities manufactured from Eastern redcedar.
  • Experimental sandwich-type panels having redcedar strands in the core layer and commercially manufactured fibers on the external face layers are being tested to enhance surface quality of the panels. Data demonstrate both physical and mechanical properties of the samples are within the standard limits. Data show there are no compromises in commercial quality, but there appears to be no enhancement of quality attributes.

  • Properties of binderless particleboard manufactured from oil palm biomass.
  • This study was accomplished to test the theory that woody plant waste could be used in a value-added approach to create commercially acceptable wood panels for particular commercial uses. Experimental composite panels were made from waste of a cash crop, oil palm. Results to date have demonstrated viability in this approach.

  • Characterization of heat treated Eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) composites.
  • This study has been led by a visiting scientist at FAPC to identify the characteristics of redcedar composites subjected to certain heat treatment applications. The dimensional stability and mechanical properties of these heat-treated composite panels of Eastern redcedar were evaluated and identified to plan best approaches for commercial composite manufacture.

  • Evaluations of optimum manufacturing parameters for compressed lumber (composites) from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) trunks.
  • This study was accomplished to test and identify mechanical attributes of these composites. Oil palm has a very low-density characteristic, which adversely influences all mechanical characteristics. Therefore, properties of compresses oil palm are being investigated as a model to better understand the effective utilization of this and other low-density wood species for commercial use.

  • Influence of weathering on adhesion strength of chemically treated and coated composites of wood species common in Oklahoma.
  • Visiting scientists in our department completed most of this work while in Stillwater. Adhesion properties of the coated composites from different species coated with various finishing materials are being investigated.

  • Development of an ethanol process using Eastern redcedar.
  • Cooperative project with several departments funded by the Sun Grant program and will evaluate the potential of this wood species to become an ethanol energy feedstock.

  • Plastic and nanoclay-based composites from Eastern redcedar.
  • Funded by an OSU Planning Grant for Establishing and Interdisciplinary Program with the work to be done by multiple departments, this project will evaluate the opportunities of combining this tree species with waste plastic to make recreational wood products such as deck flooring and deck and patio furniture.

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