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FAPC/IFT-OK to host Research Symposium April 20
The Food & Agricultural Products Center and the Institute of Food Technologists-Oklahoma Section are hosting a symposium to highlight food and agricultural products research conducted by Oklahoma State University as well as other universities.
Key member retires from FAPC Industry Advisory Committee
Certain Oklahoma food and agricultural industry leaders invest time and bring valuable expertise into the Food & Agricultural Products Center by serving on the center's Industry Advisory Committee.
An old-fashioned taste with a new twist
An Oklahoma food company is adding a new twist to the old-fashioned taste of traditional food items.
FAPC to host "Real World" Marketing Workshop
The Food & Agricultural Products Center is bringing “real world” marketing to the forefront. The FAPC is hosting the 2nd Annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in room 201 of the FAPC.
Brooks Speaks at FAPC Marketing Workshop
A sales manager was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Van Horn speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
A sales specialist was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Long speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
A food broker was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Orza speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
A food business owner was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Johnson speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
A food service distributor was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Harsha speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
An advertising and promotions specialist was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Earhart speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
An executive of a major fast food chain was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Cockerham speaks at FAPC marketing workshop
A representative from the Associated Wholesale Grocers was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop held recently.
Potter speaks at FAPC Marketing Workshop
Nov 23, 2004
A representative for the Oklahoma Restaurant Association was one of nine presenters during the Food & Agricultural Products Center's second annual “Real World” Marketing Workshop.
FAPC co-sponsors baking seminar
The Food & Agricultural Products Center at Oklahoma State University recently hosted a seminar to discuss dough conditioners, probiotics and mineral yeast in the baking industry.
FAPC workshop focuses on Continuous Improvement Tools
The Food & Agricultural Products Center hosted a workshop for beginners focused on food and agricultural processing applications to learn about continuous improvement tools.
FAPC receives $200,000 grant
The Food & Agricultural Products Center at Oklahoma State University was awarded a $200,000 grant from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
Food industry leader retires from FAPC committee
Food industry leaders across Oklahoma have been putting time and effort into serving on the Food & Agricultural Products Center Industry Advisory Committee.
Engeljohn discusses BSE policy implications during Food Safety Symposium
The Food & Agricultural Products Center hosted a Food Safety Symposium to discuss prions and enterotoxins.
Brewer discusses BSE during Food Safety Symposium
Susan Brewer, professor at the University of Illinois, was one of six speakers during the recent Food Safety Symposium hosted by the Food & Agricultural Products Center.
DeWitt discusses eliminating abnormal prions during Food Safety Symposium
“Prions and Enterotoxins” was the theme of the recent Food & Agricultural Products Center's Food Safety Symposium. Christina DeWitt, animal science assistant professor for Oklahoma State University, was one of six presenters during the symposium. DeWitt discussed a proposal to eliminate abnormal prions from animal by-product.
FAPC hosts Food Safety Symposium to discuss prions and enterotoxins
The Food & Agricultural Products Center recently hosted a Food Safety Symposium on the Oklahoma State University campus to discuss prions and enterotoxins.
FAPC co-hosts Good Laboratory Practices Workshop
The Food & Agricultural Products Center and the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station hosted a Good Laboratory Practices Workshop May 11 and 12, 2004.
FAPC Lab Assistant Named as One of OSU's Outstanding Seniors
The Oklahoma State University Alumni Association has announced its Outstanding Seniors for 2004. Among those named was Jamie Johnson. She will graduate this May with a bachelor's degree in animal science with a food science option.
FAPC Research Symposium highlights agricultural research
The Food & Agricultural Products Center hosted its 3rd Research Symposium recently. The symposium highlighted food and agricultural products research conducted by FAPC and other Oklahoma State University researchers.
FAPC specialists attend Governor's Conference
Specialists from the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center attended the first Governor's Conference on Agricultural & Economic Growth held Apri1 13 and 14 in Oklahoma City.

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