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Undergraduate Niblack scholars jump-start science careers

The Niblack Research Scholars program at Oklahoma State University has opened the doors of cutting-edge research for undergraduates for more than a decade. This year, 4 CASNR undergraduate students are receiving $8,000 scholarships and the opportunity to conduct supervised research as 2015-16 Niblack Research Scholars.

For more than a decade alumnus John Niblack funds research scholarships

The Niblack Research Scholars program at Oklahoma State University has opened the doors of cutting-edge research for undergraduates for more than a decade. This year, 4 undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources are receiving $8,000 scholarships and the opportunity to conduct supervised research as 2015-16 Niblack Research Scholars. The annual program is funded by OSU alumnus John Niblack, who wants to jumpstart the careers of future scientists through the experience of conducting actual research.

“It’s fun to see kids learn during hands-on research just how difficult it is to produce the smallest granule of data that’s of any use. It’s a big experience for them,” said Niblack, who said he had a similar experience as an OSU undergraduate that changed the course of his career. “Undergraduate research convinced me that I wanted to become a professional scientist because it was such a thrill to perform new experiments that no one else had ever done before.”

Niblack went on to become a scientist and then vice chairman of Pfizer Inc., the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company. Niblack will be recognized with an honorary doctorate and serve as the keynote speaker at OSU's undergraduate commencement this month.

Joseph Crook, biosystems and agricultural engineering
Alexis Gullic, animal science

David Bradt, entomology

Hannah Paradis, animal science


Videos about the students and more information is available at http://niblack.okstate.edu.

PHOTOS: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ostatenews/albums/72157661273409929

Niblack founded the research scholars program in 2004. He worked for Pfizer as a scientist from 1967 to 1980, directing research into drugs for viral illnesses, cancer and autoimmune disorders.  He was appointed director of research for the company's U.S. laboratories in 1980 and named president of Pfizer's Central Research Division in 1990.  He became vice chairman in 1993 and retired in 2002.

CONTACT: Jeff Joiner | Research Communications | 405-744-5827 | jeff.joiner@okstate.edu

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