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Totusek Lectureship slated at OSU

The Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science and the Animal Science Graduate Student Association will present the 21st Annual Totusek Lectureship Nov. 6-7.
Totusek Lectureship slated at OSU

Dr. Russell Cross from Texas A&M is the featured speaker for the 2014 Totusek Lectureship.

The Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science and the Animal Science Graduate Student Association will present the 21st Annual Totusek Lectureship Nov. 6-7.




This year’s lectureship will feature speaker Dr. H. Russell Cross, current Professor and Head in the Department of Animal Science in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University. Dr. Cross has over 35 years of management experience, and was the founding director of Texas A&M’s Institute of Food Science and Engineering.


Andrea English, Animal Science Graduate Student Association president, believes that Cross has vast management and scientific experience to share and he is one of few that can give a personal perspective from government, academia and the private sector. Dr. Cross is one of the most respected individuals in the food industry and it will be a unique opportunity to hear his perspective on today’s industry.


The lectureship is in honor of Dr. Robert “Bob” Totusek (1926-2014), who was a member of the OSU Animal Science faculty for more than 38 years, including 14 years as head of the department. Totusek was a friend and advisor to all and was known for his contributions in animal evaluation, beef cattle nutrition, and livestock production.


The Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science faculty and staff believe that Dr. Totusek’s accomplishments on behalf of the department as a student, faculty member, and alum are unparalleled.




By Kasey Lettunich