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Take Your CASNR Degree to the Next Level

The Oklahoma State University College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will debut Next Level, a graduate and professional school information week, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3 on the OSU campus.

STILLWATER, Okla. – The Oklahoma State University College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will debut Next Level, a graduate and professional school information week, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3 on the OSU campus.


Amy Gazaway, CASNR student development coordinator, said on average, 30 percent of CASNR students attend graduate or professional school after earning a bachelor’s degree. According to Gazaway, the purpose of the Next Level event is to provide CASNR students with information and resources for moving to the next level in their educational career.


Next Level will include a combination of programs for both undergraduate students interested in applying for graduate school as well as current graduate students nearing graduation. Each day of the event will include different educational activities and events.


“For undergraduate students, it’s important to show them how choosing a graduate program or institution is similar, yet different, to the way they chose their undergraduate major and institution,” Gazaway said. “By explaining this, we hope they will choose a program that is a good fit and will allow them to be successful.”


Gazaway said Next Level also is vital for current graduate students as they learn the job search process. She hopes it will aid in time management skills by offering students an understanding of how to effectively search for jobs while finishing a thesis or dissertation.


Shannon Norris, CASNR student development graduate teaching assistant and agricultural communications graduate student, said students often choose to attend graduate school without knowing exactly what their program of study will entail. She agrees with Gazaway that the Next Level event will be an excellent source of information and details for the various CASNR graduate degree programs.


“Anytime you can increase your understanding of a program, you automatically make yourself a stronger candidate for it because you actually know what’s available and what is expected,” Norris said. “I think students should take advantage of Next Level, even if they are just looking into the possibility of grad school.”


Norris said graduate degrees are highly valued in today’s career field as employers desire to hire individuals with a broad knowledge base.


The schedule of events for Next Level is as follows:


Monday, Sept. 29, will be about options. Information packets will be available in the Agricultural Hall lobby from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Gazaway said the packets will contain information to help students differentiate between various opportunities. It also will give instructions on completing a graduate or professional school application.


Tuesday, Sept. 30, a Graduate Program Expo will take place in the Noble Research Center Atrium from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. The expo will serve as a browse session, with each of the CASNR graduate programs hosting a booth. Several graduate student associations also will be present. The expo will allow students to network with faculty and current graduate students in their program of interest.


Wednesday, Oct. 1, a graduate and professional school panel will take place in 101 AGH at 5:30 p.m. The panel will include one representative from the OSU Graduate College, a few graduate faculty members and graduate coordinators within CASNR, current graduate students and a current veterinary medicine student. The panel format will be Q&A style, with attendees able to ask questions about courses, assistantships and research.


Thursday, Oct. 2, will feature a lunch seminar specifically tailored for current graduate students. The seminar will provide insight on the job search process. It will be in 201 4-H Building from noon - 1:30 p.m. Students are welcome to bring their own brown bag lunch to the event.


Throughout the week participants will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for a chance to win a single-serve Keruig coffee maker. The winner will be announced at the conclusion of the Next Level events on Friday, Oct. 3.





Jacy Bradford



Melissa Mourer

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Agricultural Communications Services

144 Agriculture North

Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK 74078

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Email: melissa.mourer@okstate.edu


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