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Students represent CASNR in the state Capitol

Two students from the Oklahoma State University College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources are expanding their horizons and gaining direct insight on policy issues this semester through the CASNR Legislative Internship in Agriculture.

Two students from the Oklahoma State University College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources are expanding their horizons and gaining direct insight on policy issues this semester through the CASNR Legislative Internship in Agriculture.

The Legislative Internship in Agriculture is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of the structure and operational procedures of Oklahoma state government.

“The Legislative Internship in Agriculture is an outstanding and somewhat unique opportunity for a CASNR student to experience firsthand the legislative process, providing increased awareness about how issues and concerns of local constituents work their way through the system to the point where they may influence the writing of a bill,” said Gary Sherrer, assistant vice president of external affairs for OSU’s Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

Interns must be currently enrolled in CASNR, and are selected based on their scholarship, leadership, professional goals and character.

Representing CASNR in the state Capitol this semester are Conner Carroll, agribusiness major from Perkins, Oklahoma, and Meagan Rhodes, agribusiness major from Fairview, Oklahoma.

Carroll is working in the office of Sen. Eddie Fields, chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture.

He said he has been waiting his turn for this internship since high school when he saw current CASNR legislative interns at 4-H Day at the Capitol. Carroll said an opportunity like this does not come around often, and he is thankful for this unique experience.

“As a student with a strong interest in agricultural policy and law, there are few opportunities to become immersed in your career of interest and apply the things learned in the classroom to real-world problems, but the CASNR legislative internship is one of those few opportunities,” Carroll said.

He said one of his favorite parts of the internship so far is the opportunity to meet so many people. As he continues his internship, he is looking forward to meeting many more individuals in the Capitol.

“It is not only important to gain business connections, but also friends,” Carroll said. “Through legislative luncheons and receptions, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some big players in Oklahoma’s agricultural industry and learn more about the issues that we as an industry are facing.”

After graduating from OSU, Carroll plans to attend law school, where he will focus on matters affecting the agricultural industry.

Rhodes is working in the office of Rep. John Enns, chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

Like Carroll, Rhodes said her interest in this internship was sparked when she attended 4-H Day at the Capitol. She also took an American agricultural policy course at OSU, which helped jump-start her admiration for politics.

Rhodes said there is not a typical day to her internship.

“Each day brings new possibilities and experiences, and this is one of my favorite aspects of the job,” she said.

Along with continuing to meet new people, Rhodes is excited for the knowledge this internship will bring her for the rest of her life and her future career.

“I’m looking forward to learning more about the legislative process and the issues facing Oklahoma,” Rhodes said.

Following her graduation from OSU this May, she plans to pursue a master’s degree in agricultural economics. Rhodes said she is interested in the banking industry and would like to be a loan officer for an agricultural lending firm.

The OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources believes in the value of hands-on education and the importance of having a well-rounded student experience. Our award-winning faculty are dedicated to developing students and passionate about adding value to the total educational experience.  With 16 majors and 61 study options, plus more than 60 student organizations, the college is committed to expanding minds and inspiring purpose. Learn more at casnr.okstate.edu.


Jacy Bradford


Melissa Mourer
Communications Coordinator

Agricultural Communications Services

144 Agriculture North

Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK 74078

Phone: 405-744-3737

Fax: 405-744-5739

Email: melissa.mourer@okstate.edu

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