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Johnson named CASNR Student Council President

Dillon Johnson, agribusiness junior from Afton, Oklahoma, is following in his father’s footsteps after being named president of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Student Council at Oklahoma State University.
Johnson named CASNR Student Council President

Dillon Johnson

Dillon Johnson, agribusiness junior from Afton, Oklahoma, is following in his father’s footsteps after being named president of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Student Council at Oklahoma State University.

Johnson’s father, Scott, served as the CASNR Student Council president in 1990. Dillon said he grew up hearing about how much holding such a position meant to his dad, which ignited a passion within him.

“I have known from the very beginning of my college career that CASNR was something special and it has always been my desire to serve the college and its students however possible,” Johnson said.

Two and a half decades after his father, Johnson will have the opportunity to give back to his college in a way he never dreamed.

“I can’t put into words what it means to me to hold this position,” Johsnon said. “It meant so much to me to receive this honor in front of my parents and my second family: my CASNR family.”

The CASNR Student Council is the umbrella organization for all student affairs within the college, said Garey Fox, CASNR Student Coucil advisor. The 11-person executive team promotes student leadership and student welfare. Each year it sets out to improve the college, which strengthens the university as a whole. The organization coordinates activities including the annual Dean’s Volleyball Tournament, CASNR Round Up, Homecoming events, the Christmas Tree Project and CASNR Week.

“Being president of the council is a prestigious position, but one that requires significant time and effort on behalf of the college,” Fox said. “I am confident Dillon will be an outstanding president because he is well respected by his peers and colleagues and he possesses an intense desire to give back to CASNR.”

Johnson said he looks forward to giving everything he has to the position and upholding CASNR’s mission and values.

“Although I am definitely biased, I will say I do not believe you will find better students or faculty anywhere on this campus than in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,” Johnson said. “I will give everything I can to this position to further the CASNR mission and to serve the students in any way possible.”

Johnson hopes to expand the Freshmen and Transfer Council program by fostering a deeper understanding of CASNR and allowing those students to hold bigger responsibilities and roles. He also desires to improve relations between the executive team and the clubs to create a greater link between the students and the different organizations within the college.

The OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources believes in the value of hands-on education and the importance of having a well-rounded student experience. Our award-winning faculty members are dedicated to developing students and passionate about adding value to the total educational experience. With 16 majors and 62 study options, plus more than 60 student organizations, the college is committed to expanding minds and inspiring purpose. Learn more at casnr.okstate.edu.


Sara Honegger


Melissa Mourer
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Stillwater, OK 74078

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Email: melissa.mourer@okstate.edu

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