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Find your place in CASNR as a Student Success Leader

Current undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources have the opportunity to apply for one or more of the Student Success Leader positions. Each position is designed to equip future and current students with the skills and experience necessary to become successful in their desired capacity within the college. Current and past Student Success Leaders recount how their experiences have impacted them personally and professionally.

Current undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources have the opportunity to apply for one or more of the Student Success Leader positions. Each position is designed to equip future and current students with the skills and experience necessary to become successful in their desired capacity within the college.

Students may apply to serve as an AG1011 Student Academic Mentor, Freshman in Transition Student Academic Mentor, Career Liaison, Success Coach for Outstanding Transfer Students or an Ambassador.

AG1011 SAMs serve as mentors and group discussion facilitators for the freshmen orientation course. This provides returning students with the opportunity to assist new students with their transition into college by being a resource and providing guidance from a student’s perspective.

FIT SAMs are positive role models, peer mentors and small group facilitators who live in the CASNR living community along with the FIT students. FIT SAMs are past FIT students who help with the transition to college through coordinating activities for academic, professional, personal and extracurricular involvement and development on campus.

Career Liaisons serve to improve the professional development of all CASNR students through promotion and participation in career development events and services. This provides students with the opportunity to develop resumes, cover letters, interview skills and networking.

SCOUTs are outstanding transfer students who serve as a peer resource for transfer students. SCOUTs assist with New Transfer Student Orientation and Enrollment, along with planning events for professional, academic and social development.

CASNR Ambassadors are dedicated to enhancing the image of and interest in CASNR and the corresponding industries. CASNR Ambassadors work to educate students about the educational and career opportunities in the industry and at OSU through prospective student visits and speaking on behalf of the college.

Blaire Boyer | Agricultural Communications '14

Boyer served as a Career Liaison and AG1011 SAM and is now the youth and education coordinator for American Farmers and Ranchers in Oklahoma City.

“When I heard about becoming a SSL,” Boyer said. “I thought this was worth a chance of finding my place and serving students. I was selected as a CL and found an interest in career building and a passion for serving students, as well as finding my place.”

Boyer said her experience was incredible and enhanced by the lifelong friends she made while on the team. The support of the graduate assistants and coordinators was second to none, she added.

“Each team I was apart of was different,” Boyer said. “The family-like feeling was always evident. Knowing we were helping students in the beginning stage of their college career while being a mentor and friend was the most important and rewarding part of being a CL and AG1011 SAM.”

Professionally, Boyer said she benefited from the networking with alumni and industry leaders through SSL events and connections. Serving as a SSL, Boyer said required prioritizing and organization as it was demanding at times.

“If students are on the fence about applying to be an SSL, just do it,” Boyer said. “You never know where this might lead you, the people you’ll meet or the experiences you will have unless you try.”

Ricki Schroeder | Agricultural Leadership '17

Schroeder currently serves as a FIT SAM and Ag1011 SAM. As a past FIT student, Schroeder saw the opportunity of becoming a SSL as a way contribute to the program that made his freshman year a success.

“My freshman year was one of the most challenging times I have faced so far,” Schroeder said. “I knew I would not have made it without the help of the FIT SAMs. I felt I could make the biggest difference serving as a FIT SAM.”

The FIT program application process is different from the other SSL positions. In order to be eligible to serve as a FIT SAM a student must have participated in the program as a freshman the previous year.

“Being a SSL provides students with the opportunity to get involved in CASNR,” Schroeder said. “And make a difference in the lives of several people.”

Schroeder said he has observed a passion for OSU and CASNR in the other SSL’s and the coordinators. They truly care about CASNR students and their success in college and in life, he added.

“If you want to make a difference in the lives of your peers, applying to be a SSL will be the best decision you could make,” Schroeder said. “There is a position to fit your interests, whether you want to work with prospective or current students.”

Eric Van der Laan | Animal Science '13

Eric Van der Laan, an animal science alumnus, served as a Career Liaison prior to graduating in May 2013. Van der Laan is currently pursuing a masters degree in business administration through the Spears School of Business.

“I had several friends my freshman year of college who were a part of the SSL,” said Van der Laan.” I saw how involved they were with CASNR and how they were looked upon as leaders in the college.”

Van der Laan said he enjoyed the camaraderie of the SSLs while they worked to have a positive impact on the college and the students they interacted with daily. Professionally, Van der Laan said he learned how to not only conduct himself in professional settings but to also thrive in them, he added.

“Being a SSL is a major time commitment and was a struggle for myself the first few months on the team,” Van der Laan said. “I quickly learned by working with the coordinators and your teammates, a balance can be found.”

Serving as a SSL, allowed Van der Laan to develop in a unique way, both personally and professionally. In addition to this, it also provided him the chance to become invested in the college as well as a leader among his peers, he said.

“If you want to have a unique opportunity to have a positive impact on your fellow students at the college level,” Van der Laan said. “And to make lifelong friends and memories along the way, this is the organization for you.”

Bradley Batershell | Plant and Soil Sciences '15

Bradley Battershell, a plant and soil sciences senior, currently serves as a Success Coach for Outstanding Transfer students.The SCOUT program is the newest addition to the SSL positions and is focused entirely on enhancing the OSU experience for transfer students by transfer students.

“My SCOUT made me want to be a SSL,” Battershell said. “She was always there for me, and I wanted to be able to do that for the incoming transfers students also.”

Battershell said his favorite part about being a SSL is getting to know the other SSLs as well as the SSC staff. In addition to meeting new friends, Battershell was also able to pick up where old friendships left off, he said.

“Being a SSL was a great way to make professional connections for future employment,” Battershell said. “It gives you insight into what goes into making current and future student experiences enjoyable at a new school.”

Working with the other SSLs as well as the Student Success Coordinators was also a positive aspect of being a SSL, Battershell said. Everybody was always willing to help in anyway they could and contributed to the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of the SSC, he added.

“Overall, I had a really great experience,” Battershell said. “I highly recommend this opportunity to anyone.”Current undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources have the opportunity to apply for one or more of the Student Success Leader positions. Each position is designed to equip future and current students with the skills and experience necessary to become successful in their desired capacity within the college. Current and past Student Success Leaders recount how their experiences have impacted them personally and professionally.