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Damron honored as Food Systems Leadership Fellow at APLU Meeting

Steve Damron, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources assistant dean, was recently recognized for completing the Food Systems Leadership Institute executive leadership program, an intensive two-year program designed for experienced leaders in academia, government and industry.
Damron honored as Food Systems Leadership Fellow at APLU Meeting

Steve Damron

Steve Damron, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources assistant dean, was recently recognized for completing the Food Systems Leadership Institute executive leadership program, an intensive two-year program designed for experienced leaders in academia, government and industry.

He said he was nominated for the prestigious FSLI program by the Oklahoma State University Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and was honored by the opportunity.

During the annual meeting of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, Damron received an award for completion of the program and the contributions he made to his individual organizations, higher education and food systems.

Damron said FSLI had a significant impact on his leadership abilities. It also gave him insight on a wide variety of topics.

“The whole program is about learning who you are and how to most effectively use your talents and skills to impact others,” Damron said.

According to Carol Reilly, FSLI program specialist, the FSLI features a dynamic curriculum that includes three executive-style residential sessions, individual coaching, mentoring and personal projects. The FSLI seeks to enhance personal leadership ability, develop skills and knowledge for organizational change, and broaden perspectives on integrated food systems.

Damron said although he has been in academia for decades, he learned there are still areas he has the ability to grow in. He said this program was unique because unlike many common assessments, it taught him how use his results to better himself as an academic mentor, administrator and professor.

“It was very valuable to discover areas like this that I still have growth capacity in and to be provided mechanisms to help me achieve this growth,” Damron said.

He said he believes every Fellow finds one key takeaway that is most important to him or her at the conclusion of the program. For Damron, it was strengthening his skills on project management.

“Managing big projects, soliciting and utilizing the opinions of all people who are part of the big project, and coming to equitable and satisfactory outcomes are all very important aspects of my job,” Damron said. “I believe my experience has benefited the work I do for CASNR and students on a day-to-day basis.”

He said the program and the personal coaches who followed his progress never quit cheering him on, especially when the process was challenging. Damron said it was an encouraging atmosphere, and he made new friends and connections throughout the country.

For more information, visit the FSLI website at www.fsli.org.

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Jacy Bradford


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