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CASNR Set to Complete February Challenge

Students, faculty and staff within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University are set to complete a one-month challenge of personal growth in February.

Thirty days is just about the right amount of time to add or subtract a habit from your life, according to inspirational speaker, Matt Cutts.

For this reason, students, faculty and staff within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University are set to complete a one-month challenge of personal growth in February.

Deemed the “February Challenge,” nearly 110 individuals within the Freshmen in Transition program at OSU are challenging the entire college to take part in the challenge’s second year. Inspired by Cutts's TED talk video, individuals choose one area of their lives they wish to improve and complete a daily task in hopes of accomplishing their overall goal.

To watch the video, visit: okla.st/1S9Dz6L.

Katie Smithson, FIT program coordinator and advisor, said the challenge will help students gain a new perspective of their capabilities.

“The best way to learn about yourself is to challenge yourself,” Smithson said. “We encourage students to set attainable, realistic goals. Hopefully by the end of the month, students will be motivated to keep improving in other areas of their lives as well.”

Personal challenges can range from reading a new chapter of a book a day to devoting a specific amount of time to learning a new instrument or language.

Last year, Koby Limbach, a sophomore animal science major from Henley, Missouri, challenged himself to take the stairs rather than elevator. He said his challenge was so motivating that he continued it for the rest of the semester.

“You wouldn't think that something as simple as vowing to not use the elevator would be a big deal, but it really was,” Limbach said. “After doing it for a few weeks, I started to feel better and have more energy. By the end of the month, I had actually lost 10 pounds.”

Smithson said you should never stop challenging yourself or pushing yourself to reach the next big step in your life.

“CASNR is a big community,” Smithson said. “With that, there is a lot of accountability. I am so excited to see the good that will come out of the February Challenge, and the impact it will have on this college and university.”

For more information about the February Challenge, contact Smithson at katie.smithson@okstate.edu.

Follow the challenge’s progress on OSU CASNR Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #FebChallenge. All CASNR students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate.

The OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources believes in the value of hands-on education and the importance of having a well-rounded student experience. Our award-winning faculty members are dedicated to developing students and passionate about adding value to the total educational experience. With 16 majors and 62 study options, plus more than 60 student organizations, the college is committed to expanding minds and inspiring purpose. Learn more at casnr.okstate.edu.


Jacy Bradford

Melissa Mourer
Communications Coordinator
Agricultural Communications Services
144 Agriculture North
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: 405-744-3737
Fax: 405-744-5739
Email: melissa.mourer@okstate.edu

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