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CASNR Living-Learning Community set to complete February challenge

Students within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources living-learning community are set to complete a one-month challenge of personal growth in February.

Students within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources living-learning community are set to complete a one-month challenge of personal growth in February.


Deemed the “February Challenge,” nearly 100 students within the Freshmen in Transition program (FIT) at Oklahoma State University are to choose one area of their lives they wish to improve and complete one task a day to work toward accomplishing their overall goal.


Katie Smithson, FIT program coordinator and advisor and OSU agricultural economics alumna, said the challenge will help students gain a new perspective of their capabilities.


“The best way to learn about yourself is to challenge yourself,” Smithson said. “We encourage students to set attainable, realistic goals. Hopefully by the end of the month, students will be motivated to keep improving in other areas of their lives as well.”


Student challenges can range from reading a new chapter of a book a day to devoting a specific amount of time to learning a new instrument or hobby.


Steve Damron, assistant dean of academic programs within CASNR, said successful living is a cycle of growing, thinking and assessing. People can always get better and do better, but it starts with one goal at a time, Damron said.


“College is more than just going to class,” he said. “FIT challenges students to grow academically, professionally and personally. We hope the February Challenge encourages students to find what they are passionate about, set a goal, and commit to doing something about it.”


“I am committing to walking at least 10,000 steps each day,” Damron said. “Pacing the hallway could become a priority if I am low on steps for the day.”


Will Shaffer, FIT student academic mentor and biochemistry and molecular biology sophomore, said the challenge will help push comfort zones. Students will now have a reason to pursue goals they have always wanted to, Shaffer said.


For more information on the February Challenge, contact Smithson at katie.smithson@okstate.edu.


Follow the Challenge’s progress on OSU CASNR Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – #FebChallenge. All CASNR students and staff are encouraged to participate.


Story by Shannon Norris


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