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Abit honored with Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching

Sergio Abit, assistant professor of soil science at Oklahoma State University, was recognized with the Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching at the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Scholarships and Awards Banquet on March 31.

Sergio Abit, assistant professor of soil science at Oklahoma State University, was recognized with the Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching at the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Scholarships and Awards Banquet on March 31.

The award recognizes and promotes exceptional teaching by a faculty member with less than five years of experience in higher education teaching.

Abit has been part of the CASNR faculty since 2012. He currently advises 50 undergraduate students in the department.

“Dr. Abit has established himself as an innovative instructor and leader in plant and soil sciences,” said Cynda Clary, CASNR associate dean of academic programs. “He is deserving of this award as he engages his students in the learning process and inspires them to reach for higher standards.

Outside of the classroom, Abit serves as the advisor for three clubs including the Agronomy Club, the Soil and Water Conservation Society and OSU’s chapter of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANNRS). He also is the head of the department’s undergraduate curriculum and scholarship committees.

To meet the learning styles of his diverse set of students, Abit has implemented various teaching methodologies and delivery systems, including flipped classroom tools and online course designs.

Jeff Edwards, plant and soil sciences department head, said students give Abit high marks for quality of instruction, part of which stems from his innovative delivery methods.

“Because students are often driven by technology, Dr. Abit developed teaching videos to explain how to do these calculations,” a student said in a letter of nomination for Abit. “However, he did not stop there. To make sure his videos were effective, he conducted research on them.”

Edwards said although Abit is an early-career faculty member, he has quickly assumed leadership roles in the department.

“I rely heavily on Dr. Abit’s advice and counsel regarding our undergraduate program,” Edwards said. “To say he has maturity and wisdom beyond his years of service would be an understatement.”

The OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources believes in the value of hands-on education and the importance of having a well-rounded student experience. Our award-winning faculty members are dedicated to developing students and passionate about adding value to the total educational experience. With 16 majors and 62 study options, plus more than 60 student organizations, the college is committed to expanding minds and inspiring purpose. Learn more at casnr.okstate.edu.


REPORTER: Jacy Bradford

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