Ferguson College of Agriculture
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Food science graduate receives Graduate Fellowship Award
Sep 17, 2015
- An Oklahoma State University food science graduate student was awarded the 2015 Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, sponsored by the OSU Foundation and coordinated by the OSU Graduate College.
Studens to prep for Career Fair in "At the Movies" atmosphere
Aug 25, 2015
- Oklahoma State University students can enjoy an “At the Movies” atmosphere complete with popcorn, candy and soda while preparing for the upcoming Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Natural Sciences Career Fair. “Career Fair: At the Movies” will be held Thurs., Sept. 3 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in 103 Agriculture Hall.
OSU Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Natural Sciences Career Fair to connect students, employers
Aug 24, 2015
- Oklahoma State University students will have an opportunity to explore career options, meet industry professionals and make connections for internships and full-time jobs at the Fall 2015 Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Natural Sciences Career Fair. The event will be held Thurs., Sept. 10 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Gallagher-Iba Arena.
Freshman Research Scholars program introduces CASNR students to research basics
Aug 13, 2015
- Eleven incoming Oklahoma State University freshmen from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will each receive a $1,000 scholarship to pursue an early, hands-on introduction to university-level research in the Freshman Research Scholars (FRS) program during the upcoming academic year.
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