USDA Country of Origin Labeling Affidavit
Fed Cattle Price Discovery Issues and Projections
Understanding Livestock Pricing Issues
Beef, Pork, and Poultry Industry Coordination
Structural Changes in Cattle Feeding and Meat Packing
Fed Cattle Pricing: Live and Dressed Weight
Fed Cattle Pricing: Grid Pricing Basics
Fed Cattle Pricing: Basis Contracts
Grid Pricing of Fed Cattle: Base Prices and Premiums-Discounts
Grid Pricing of Fed Cattle: Risk and Information
Beef Industry Alliances and Vertical Arrangements
Formula Pricing Fed Cattle with Wholesale and Futures Markets
Fed Cattle Market Simulator Applications
Grid Pricing Calculator
Cattle Feeders' Marketing and Pricing Practices
Producer Signals and Incentives with Grid Pricing
Extent and Value of Retail Beef Brands
Value Discovery Issues for Fed Cattle
Carcass Discounts and Grid Pricing Implications
Grid Pricing Usage by Cattle Feeders
Minding Your Cattle P's and Q's: Basic Facts on Source, Age, and other Claim Verification through PVP and QSA Programs