Forage Supplementation Program
Across Breed EPD Calculator:
Across Breed EPD Adjustment Worksheet
OSU Mineral Intake Calculator:
This tool calculates average mineral intake for a mineral that is fed to your cattle. It includes average intake over time and graphs average intake between times you place mineral in your pasture. It can account for mineral remaining in the feeder and changes in number of cattle in the pasture. Mineral Consumption Record : Program
OSU Cowculator:
Cattle and Horse Inventory:
This decision aid provides a framework for the user to record beginning and ending inventories for various cattle and horse categories. The summary provides balance sheet values necessary in the development of the operation’s financial statements. - Program
Cattle Sales Record:
Spreadsheet documents the sale or transfer of cattle between production activities. The reports provide a summary by cattle category with associated pay-weight and price per hundredweight. - Program
Across-Breed EPD Calculator:
The Across-Breed EPD calculator utilizes across-breed EPD adjustment factors published by the Meat Animal Research Center to generate EPDs that can be compared across breeds. - Program
Cowgame is a beef herd genetic simulation program. The player starts with a fifty cow herd and makes selections based upon weaning weight, feedlot gain or yearling weight. The next year's calf crop is generated during each session and the genetic information is saved so that future selections can be made. AI sires can also be used. - Program
Calculates the inbreeding of all individuals in a given pedigree that may be stored as a data file or entered directly into the portion of the program that calculates inbreeding. - Program
Economic aspects of preconditioning programs. - Instructions : Program
can be used to input cow/calf and stocker information for an individual beef cattle operation. From these inputs, the program calculates net operating returns and annual cash flow for the ranch under different production-marketing alternatives available to the manager. - Instructions : Program
From data entered by the user, this program generates profit or loss by industry segment for purebreds, two-breed terminal, three-breed terminal, three-breed rotational and three-breed special cross. It is capable of using up to 14 different breeds of cattle. - Program
Cull Cow Calculator
Preconditioning Costs and Benefits:
Preconditioning is the practice of preparing calves for the stresses encountered during the transition from nursing to confined feeding. The concept has existed since the large-scale cattle feeding industry first evolved in the late 1950s. The goals are to overcome the stress of weaning, teach calves to eat milled feed, administer appropriate immunizations, reduce sickness and increase the value of the calves to cattle feeders.- Instructions : Program
OQBN Vac-45 Budgeting Tool:
The OQBN Vac-45 program is a preconditioning program that allows producers to third party verify their preconditioning efforts. This tool lets you estimate the cost of participation in the program versus your projected returns. OQBN Web Site : Program
Cow-Calf Lease Arrangements:
Equitable breeding livestock agreements can take many forms as parties contribute land, labor, management and cattle differently. This Excel spreadsheet assists in valuing contributions and evaluating alternative share arrangements. Spreadsheet : Publication : Fillable Form
OSU Enterprise Budgets:
based on Excel spreadsheet software. The spreadsheets are designed to provide a planning and educational tool that contains estimates of production costs and returns based on the current and/or expected economic environment as well as the management practices typical of an area.- see report examples : Order Program
Pickup and Trailer Cost Calculator:
Spreadsheet facilitates the cost calculation for the ranch truck and/or a livestock trailer. The program is useful for enterprise budgeting, estimating transportation costs, and evaluating purchasing alternatives. – Program
Hired Labor and Management Cost Calculator:
This decision aid is designed to organize data necessary to measure the full cost of hired labor and management. Costs are divided into five components including salary, payroll and benefits, housing, transportation and allowances for horses or other livestock paid by employer. Cash and non-cash costs are reported separately. – Instructions : Program
Quicken for Farm and Ranch Management Records is a popular commercial record-keeping package that is user friendly, inexpensive, readily available, flexible and widely used. Import options allow you to add a farm category list created at Oklahoma State University that matches the tax Schedule F, minimizing the effort required to develop a beginning chart of accounts. - Samples : Download Manual
Wheat and Wheat-Stocker Production Planner enables a user to describe farm-specific situations and to compare the economic consequences of alternative uses of land seeded to wheat. It is a microcomputer decision aid program developed to assist wheat producers evaluate the economic consequences of alternative wheat and wheat-stocker production systems. - Download Wheat Production Systems : Download Grain-only vs. Stocker Plus Wheat
Cow Bid Price Estimate Calculator:
Users enter purchase price for cow or cow/calf pair plus information on future calf prices/weights, cull cow price/weight, number of calving opportunities, cow operating cost per year, financing requirements to estimate net present value and the rate of return on investment. - Program
Cow Repurchase Decision Tool:
Spreadsheet tool to estimate cost saved and interest earned on sale proceeds between liquidation and repurchase date. - Program
Sell Cows Now or Later?
Compares opportunities for marketing cows now or incurring additional cost to target other markets. Especially useful for use in drought situations. - Program
Oklahoma Beef Calf Retention Decision Aid 2.0
allows users to compare returns from retained ownership strategies to sale-at-weaning. - Instructions - Program
Early Weaning Decision Aid:
Spreadsheet designed to compare returns from early weaning and normal weaning scenarios. - Program
Bull Investment Cost Calculator:
Decision tool designed to help producers evaluate annual bull costs on a per cow, per weaned calf, and per hundredweight of weaned calf basis.- Instructions - Program
Monthly Cattle Inventory:
Provides monthly and annual summary of inventory changes for your breeding herd. Program
Estimating Hay Value Based on Chemical Analysis
provides a rapid and economical method to determine the nutritional value in a feed. Instructions - Program
Hay Storage Cost Evaluator Decision Aid
facilitates the evaluation of alternative hay storage systems, specifically, open storage, open storage with hay covered, and hay barn storage. Instructions - Program
Hay Produce or Purchase Calculator:
Livestock producers must choose whether to produce their own hay or purchase hay. This spreadsheet helps organize data so an informed decision can be made whether to purchase or produce hay. Instructions - Program
Own or Custom-Hire Hay Harvesting and Hauling:
This decision aid determines the operating and ownership costs of haying machinery and equipment and helps evaluate whether ownership is justified with respect to custom harvest operations. Instructions - Program
OSU Ration Calculator 2013
is written so that the user can select either "as is" moisture basis, or a dry matter basis to develop or check a ration formulation. For the non-skilled nutritionist, this program may be used to check a feed mixture to see if it meets the NRC recommendations for a given weight and class of growing-finishing cattle. - Instructions : Program
Oklahoma Wheat Stocker Purchase Planner Decision Aid
generates side-by-side comparison of stocker profitability for a wide range of purchase weights. - Instructions : Program
Oklahoma Wheat Stocker Spreadsheet Decision Aid
generates budgets for wheat stockers given user specified purchase weight. - Instructions : Program
Stocker Receiving Records Spreadsheet
is an Excel® spreadsheet designed to assist producers receiving multiple loads of stocker calves to calculate and evaluate Processing Cost, Feed Cost and Treatment Cost from the written records they are currently keeping for each load lot of cattle. The spreadsheet computes costs totals for each category from entry records for each load and allocates sick pull treatment cost to the appropriate load of stockers. The program has an optional function that sorts the Load lots into grazing units and allows the producer to record marketing groups from the grazing unit then calculates gross increased value. - Instructions : Program : Example
Stocker Lease Arrangements:
Grazeout Decision Tool
helps producers evaluate the trade-offs associated with wheat graze out. - Spreadsheet
Grid Pricing Calculator
allows users to enter data on actual (or hypothetical) grids and actual (or hypothetical) carcass traits, and see the resulting premiums, discounts, and net price. - Instructions : Program
Programmed Feeding for Calves
designed to calculate the daily amount of feed for a pen of cattle. This amount varies with cattle weight, the energy values of the ration, and the desired rate of gain. - Instructions : Program
Estimate Feedlot Costs
This publication describes the methods for estimating cattle performance and financial aspects of cattle feeding using a spreadsheet program. - Instructions : Program
Feedlot Breakeven Purchase Price
This publication describes the methods for estimating cattle performance and financial aspects of cattle feeding using a spreadsheet program. - Instructions : Program
OSU Ration Calculator 2013
is written so that the user can select either "as is" moisture basis, or a dry matter basis to develop or check a ration formulation. For the non-skilled nutritionist, this program may be used to check a feed mixture to see if it meets the NRC recommendations for a given weight and class of growing-finishing cattle. - Instructions : Program
to develop or check a ration formulation. - Instructions : Program