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Event Marketing Timeline

This timeline can help you develop a marketing plan for events or other programs.

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4 months before event

  • Use this timeline to help develop a marketing plan
  • Contact Agricultural Communications Services for help with your project, or work by self to select specific marketing tactics from the list of marketing ideas
  • Determine budget (print, advertising, social media)

3 months before event

  • Gather photos, bios, descriptions, etc.
  • Gather mailing lists and send to University Mailing for updates
  • Develop and print necessary print materials
  • Create graphics to promote event on social media platform(s)
  • Add/update information on website
  • Create a short URL ( that you can use to promote the event
  • Create a social media content calendar, filling in the dates with event promotions (reminders, deadlines, highlighting speakers, etc.)

2 months before event

  • Send direct mail pieces
  • Start developing press release about event
  • Contact outlets for partnership marketing opportunities
  • Create a Facebook event
  • Invite your friends to the event
  • Share on your county page, personal page, encourage others to share the event as well
  • Continue to use social media content calendar to promote event

6 weeks before event

  • Send email to District Directors to ask counties for help marketing (in your email, you should send fliers/social media graphics, suggested newsletter content, suggested email content)
  • Continue to use social media content calendar to promote event

4 weeks before event

  • Send press release to selected newspapers (send 2-3 weeks before registration deadline)
  • Highlight event in your newsletter, e-newsletter, press release, radio, and other media sources
  • Continue to work with marketing partners
  • Continue to use social media content calendar to promote event

3 weeks before event

  • Continue to work with marketing partners
  • Request photography if not yet requested
  • Continue to use social media content calendar to promote event

2 weeks before event

  • Continue to work with marketing partners
  • Pitch event coverage to local media
  • Continue to use social media content calendar to promote event

Final week before event

  • Continue to work with marketing partners
  • Print handouts with social media usernames/hashtags
  • Continue to use social media content calendar to promote event
  • Prep post-event press release as thoroughly as possible

During event

  • Include printouts with your social media usernames/hashtags in event materials
  • Make an announcement encouraging others to follow relevant Division-affiliated social media profiles and/or use event hashtag
  • Post a photo during the event on your social media platforms

After event

  • Post a photo album on Facebook
  • Use social media to thank sponsors of the event, speakers, participants, etc.
  • Send post-event press release to selected newspapers
  • Meet with others involved in event to evaluate marketing results (include social media analytics to determine which posts)